News From Our Fencing Team, January 2022

The prolonged lockdown last year impacted on the fencing team by preventing us from meeting landowners and contractors but as restrictions eased, we were able to get back out on farms. Despite being grounded, our time was well used to plan and develop new projects and process the funding applications, so we have a bunch of them lined up for completion over January to April 2022. Lockdown restrictions created a backlog of work for contractors too, and the short supply of some fencing materials such as battens. Price increases have created challenges for all parties involved with fencing projects by necessitating the regular updating of quotes. Understandable, but a lot of extra work for all involved.

We are privileged to get to work in spectacular parts of the countryside. The Hōteo Gorge is truly stunning so here’s a photo we’d like to share, taken from a farm where the landowner has completed a lot of fencing and planting without financial help and is achieving great conservation results.

The “Stunning” Hōteo Gorge

Not far from here is a recently finished section of fence, jointly funded by the landowner and Kaipara Moana Remediation funding via The Forest Bridge Trust, which completes the landowner’s previous fencing work to exclude stock from a tributary of the Hōteo and its bush clad gully. Here’s Tim checking out the new fence minus battens.

Tim checking out the new fence

All finished fences must be inspected and measured by GPS so an accurate map can be created. Here’s a photo of us inspecting and measuring the line – since taking this the battens have since been fixed.

Hōteo Gorge wide view

Please do get in touch at if you’d like more information about how we may be able to help, Tim and Katie