Catch Trap Data – Jan, Feb, Mar 2023
Great Catch Data results from the last quarter – 4137 pest animals caught in Jan, Feb & Mar of 2023
“The community involvement in trapping pest animals is huge and is the main driver behind the massive increases in pests caught year on year”. says Charlie Montgomery The Forest Bridge Trust’s Trap Data Support. “2614 pests were caught during the first quarter of 2022 so we have seen a significant increase in 2023”.
Somewhat surprisingly, the number of mice recorded as being caught this quarter (245) is down from 404 in quarter one of last year and has dropped steadily since peaking at 639 in quarter two. Although this might seem like a promising sign, Charlie has raised the question “Are mouse catches still being reported? After all, they’re only mice!”
But even the humble house mouse is a voracious predator and being omnivorous means that as a population they can have huge impacts on our native species. “They will eat insects, lizards, seeds and even the eggs of our threatened native freshwater fish, the Inanga” explains Charlie. “So never underestimate a mouse!”
If you are still getting to grips with recording your trap data on the Trap NZ App, Charlie will be available to talk you through the process at the Volunteer Open Day on Sat 24 June at the Matakana Hall at 11 am.